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Will I ever feel better?

Grief can hit us very hard. It affects us physically, mentally and emotionally, it alters our world and we are never quite the same again.

Grief can mimic the symptoms of depression so no wonder we feel so down and unwell when we suffer the death of a close loved one. We may feel that we will never feel any better as the weeks and months roll by.

We do not get over grief. We do not move on. We do not ever get over it. Grief remains the same. What does happen is that the nature of grief changes. We learn to cope with life without our loved one in it and the rawness eventually fades so that one day we find we can talk about them without bursting into tears. The happy memories will start to come back eventually and we begin to feel a bit more emotionally stable.

Grief does not go away and there will be days where we feel awful and the pain feels raw. The waves of grief will come and go. However, we do begin to feel better physically, mentally and emotionally AND we continue to grieve.

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